May 2023 Update

Daisy Rogue WAV Status

After much consideration, I’ve decided not to proceed with the Daisy Rogue WAV for the time being. As I mentioned previously, I was planning to offer it direct from this website, handling all of the manufacturing, testing, sales, shipping and support myself. But it turns out I can’t really charge enough for the product to make it worth all that effort, and that’s just for the Rogue WAV board itself - you would still need to purchase a Daisy Seed.

I’m certainly open to finding a manufacturing partner, such as SparkFun is for the WAV Trigger and Tsunami. But until such time, I’ve put the project on pause.

I have a small number of Rogue WAV boards assembled and tested, and I have provided an open-source board support package compatible with the Electro-Smith libDaisy ecosystems that provides 10 output channels, so if you are interested in a board for your own multi-channel code development , please get in touch through the contact page.

microSD Card Testing

I’ve developed a version of the microSD card testing firmware that will run on any version of Tsunami. I’m currently running tests to confirm it’s accuracy and will post it on the Downloads page as soon as it’s ready. Tsunami owners will then be able to easily test their own microSD cards.


microSD Cards for Audio 2024


New for 2023