WAV Trigger Pro - Preset Tips and Tricks

The ability to create up to 8 actions per MIDI Note leads to some interesting capabilities. Here are some of the ways you can use presets to customize the behavior of the WAV Trigger Pro.

Layer and pan sounds.

You can create two or more actions for a range of MIDI notes that will overlay different sounds for the same note. Each action can have a different set of parameters to create a custom blend of more than one sound. For example, my example preset creates a mix of stereo piano and string samples, the piano panned left with a short release time and the strings panned right with a longer release, creating a lush stereo field of piano and strings.

Extend tracks to more than one note

Two MIDI Note numbers can reference the same track, but using different pitch offset values. Two adjacent notes triggering the same track but with a pitch offset of 100 cents will create a musically correct interval using only 1 track. You can do this repeatedly 7 semi-tones down and 7 semi-tones up. My example preset does this to extend the range of the piano and string by 2 notes in both directions.

Create velocity layering

One MIDI Note can have multiple play actions, with each action having a unique track number, velocity and gain range. In this manner, one MIDI Note can have up to 8 velocity zones that trigger different samples at different volumes.

Program complex trigger logic

With multiple actions it’s possible for one MIDI Note or Trigger input to start and stop multiple specific tracks. This allows a single input trigger to both stop one or more other tracks before starting a new track. As an example, a pad on your control surface can start a track of music looping, and a second pad can be set to both fade out the looping track and start one or more new tracks. You can also program a MIDI Note to be an “All Notes Off” key.

Load Presets from your MIDI keyboard, control surface or Button

You can assign a Load Preset action to a range of MIDI Notes to allow you to quickly switch sounds on your keyboard by simply pressing a Note. Just keep in mind that the new preset needs to also have the same Load Preset action assignments in order to switch back and forth between multiple presets, otherwise it’s a one way street!

Create Multi-timbral keyboard layouts

By using the channel field of the Play Action, you can create overlapping ranges of notes that will play different sounds based on the incoming MIDI Channel. For just one example, in my previous preset, by specifying channel 16 (Omni) for the piano actions and channel 0 for the string actions, sending on MIDI Channel 0 (or 1, by some reckoning) will play a mix of both sounds, while any other MIDI Channel will only play the piano sounds.

Fine tune your keyboard response

By using the various action parameters such as attack, release, velocity and gain ranges, looping, locking and pitch bend enable flags, every individual note can be custom tuned for performance.

Next: Performance



MIDI Implementation and Presets

Triggers and the Default Preset

Preset Tips and Tricks

Performance and the Serial Console
