New Unified Init File Maker App

In an ongoing attempt to be more efficient, I took a break from working on Tsunami and WAV Trigger firmware to develop a new Unified Init File Maker utility that works with both products.In addition to looking a bit more up-to-date, it improves upon the previous individual apps in a number of ways:

  • One app will work with WAV Trigger and both mono and stereo versions of the Tsunami.

  • Offers online help with tooltips.

  • Provides live updates and remote control when used with a suitable USB-to-serial adaptor.

A beta version is now available and I encourage you to use it. The Windows and OS X versions are posted on the download pages of both products. Please use this post to provide any issues or feedback.Note: If you use the new app to open previously saved init files, it will always open them as WAV Trigger files. You'll need to start new Tsunami files (mono or stereo) from scratch.A note about the linux version:After doing some research into distributing Linux executables, I've come to the conclusion that it's not practical to provide a ready-to-run Linux app that will run on all distros and machines. For those of you who want to run this utility on Linux, it's not that hard, but you do have to download JUCE, install some dev packages, and then run make on the source project. I've included a link to the project's source github repo on the download pages. When I get time, I'll write up a step-by-step guide on how to do this (at least for Ubuntu) and include it in the repo's readme.


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