Software Downloads
Robertsonics Configurator App
Used for configuring all versions of Tsunami and the WAV Trigger. Not required for the WAV Trigger Pro.
WAV Trigger Pro
The WAV Trigger Pro firmware is not open-source and is copyrighted by Jamie Robertson, dba Robertsonics. These firmware downloads are intended solely for use in Tsunamis manufactured by SparkFun. For other custom or other hardware platforms, please contact me for licensing options.
Note: The first 120 units from SparkFun ship with firmware v1.01 which has a bug in the voice stealing algorithm. You would only notice this if you play more than 24 notes at a time. Please update to v1.02 below.
For help with updating your firmware, refer to the SparkFun Hookup Guide.
Tsunami firmware is not open-source and is copyrighted by Jamie Robertson, dba Robertsonics. These firmware downloads are intended solely for use in Tsunamis manufactured by SparkFun. For other custom or other hardware platforms, please contact me for licensing options.
As of 2023, the current Tsunami is the Qwiic version, which not only includes a Qwiic I2C control interface, but also a new multi-channel codec, requiring different firmware. Posted here are the latest versions for both the Qwiic Tsunami and the original, non-Qwiic Tsunami. They are not interchangeable; The Qwiic firmware version will not run on the non-Qwiic Tsunami and vice-versa.
In addition, due to chip supply issues, there are now two versions of Tsunami Qwiic - the original 32-voice version and a new 25-voice version. The only difference is the amount of memory on the CPU and hence the total number of sounds that can be played simultaneously. They are identical in all other respects. Again, the firmware is not interchangeable, so please make sure you download the correct version.
If you aren’t sure which version you have, look at the Arm processor part number: The original 32-voice version has the ATSAMS70N20, while the 25-voice version uses the ATSAMS70N19.
Tsunami firmware is provided in both mono and stereo versions. Please make sure that you use the correct WAV file type for the version you are running. The stereo version won’t play mono files, and the mono version won’t play stereo files.
Please see the Tsunami User Guide for information about how to update the firmware
WAV Trigger
The WAV Trigger firmware is not open-source and is copyrighted by Jamie Robertson, dba Robertsonics. These firmware downloads are intended solely for use in WAV Triggers manufactured by SparkFun. For other custom or other hardware platforms, please contact me for licensing options.
Please see the WAV Trigger User Guide for information about how to update the firmware
Here’s a link to some piano note samples referenced in the YouTube tutorial.
The latest version of the WAV Trigger supports 4096 tracks on the micoSD card, 32 MIDI Banks, along with support for Trigger Banks, Voice Lock and Track Status Reporting. It also has improved fader performance and true MIDI Channel/Omni modes.
Note: As of February 2023, SparkFun is shipping new WAV Triggers with this version.
Firmware is updated through the WAV Trigger’s serial control port using the STMicro Bootloader in the STM32F405. Robertsonics provides a basic flashing utility (Windows and MAC) that communicates with the Bootloader to program firmware hex files. This utility requires a USB to TTL serial adaptor, such as the FTDI-Basic. While you may use any such USB adaptor, the WAV Trigger’s serial pins mate directly with the FTDI-Basic - no jumper wires required.