WAV Trigger Pro - Triggers and the Default Preset


The WAV Trigger Pro’s 8 digital trigger inputs are active low, meaning that they are internally pulled up and shorting them to ground will cause them to become “active”. This can be done using a contact closure button, switch or relay, or by driving the trigger input low using an active output. In the latter case, it’s important to remember that the WAV Trigger is not 5V tolerant and the inactive state of a driven trigger should never be more than 3.3V.

On the WAV Trigger Pro, the Triggers 1 - 8 are “hard-wired” to MIDI Note numbers 1 -8. Activating Trigger 1 causes the WAV Trigger Pro to receive a MIDI Note-On message for note 1, and releasing the trigger causes the WAV Trigger Pro to receive a MIDI Note-Off message for the same note. This scheme allows the triggers to have the same multi-function capabilities as MIDI notes. You might be wondering if this means that you have to create a preset just to use the triggers, and to answer that question we come to the next section…

The Default Preset

Whenever the WAV Trigger Pro is powered up or reset, it will look for and automatically load preset 1 (“set_0001.csv”.) If that file doesn’t exist, then it will load an internal default preset which has the following assignments. All MIDI Note numbers are assigned a single action:

Notes 1 - 8 have an action type 2, Trigger, Edge, set to trigger the corresponding track number with a gain of 0, center panned, attack/release times of 0ms and no flags set. This means that without any presets loaded, Triggers 1 - 8 will edge trigger Tracks 1 - 8 polyphonically. Pretty much the same behavior as the original WAV Trigger and Tsunami.

Notes 9 - 127 have an action type 1, Play, set to play the corresponding track number with a gain of 0, center panned, attack/release times of 0ms, full velocity and gain scaling and no flags set. This means that without any presets loaded, MIDI Note numbers 9 - 127 will play tracks 9 - 127 as velocity sensitive MIDI notes, responding to both Note-On and Note-Off messages.

Next: Preset Tips and Tricks



MIDI Implementation and Presets

Triggers and the Default Preset

Preset Tips and Tricks

Performance and the Serial Console
